Knights of Columbus

Fr. James D. Campbell OP Council #13511


    Meetings are the First Saturday of each month at 9:30 AM at the Worship Site:

Our Lady of the Rosary

460 Fox Park Road

Louisburg, NC 27549

An officer’s meeting at 9:00 am precedes the monthly meeting

† James D. Campbell, O. P.   1920-2004.  James D. Campbell, O. P. died February 11th in Raleigh, NC. After a bout with pneumonia, and after many years of suffering from a leg accident, which occurred soon after he began his work as a missionary in Honduras in 1991, it seemed only appropriate that Jim would be called home to God on the Feast of Our Lady of Lourdes.  At age 71 Jim volunteered as a missionary to Honduras, but after a tragic accident, he returned to the U.S. and spent the next twelve years working in migrant and pastoral ministry in Louisburg, and throughout Franklin County, N.C.

Grand Knight Kevin Prevost